Saturday, June 9, 2007

Beit Immanuel

This is the Christian hostel that I'm staying at. Staffed mostly by volunteer young people from Europe, it's bed and breakfast for US$40 a night. There are cheaper dormitories, but they were full, so I have a private room with aircon, although I haven't used the aircon much as I am finding the temperature here fairly comfortable.

An ancient building itself, it has a Lutheran church right opposite. A sign at the fence explains that they have both Hebrew and English services on the Sabbath morning and also an English service on Sunday morning.

I really enjoyed the Hebrew service here at the hostel last night. Radio headphone were available with either English or Russian translation, so it was interesting to hear the Hebrew direct and then hear the English translation through the headphones. Pastor David Lazarus spoke very well and it was a lovely service, starting at 6:30pm and finishing around 9 o'clock.

Breakfast this morning consisted of:
Granola or cornflakes with flavoured yoghurt, and/or
Toast with white butter and jam, and/or
Sliced cucumbers and tomatoes and orange with plain yoghurt, sliced cheddar cheese, hard-boiled eggs and canned tuna with cottage cheese, green olives.
Coffee, other hots drinks, or orange juice.

I tried everything (at least twice) since I won't be buying lunch or dinner. My only mistake was forgetting that not all olives have the stone removed, but fortunately I didn't bite it too hard. Yes, I could easily get used to salad foods and cheese and yoghurt and cottage cheese for breakfast!

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